Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Babble

Are you making homemade gifts this year?  I decided, around Thanksgiving, to break out the knitting needles and wool and get to work.  I thought it would be a good idea to practice my somewhat rusty knitting skills, seriously all I have made for the past few years are baby hats.  And more baby hats.  And maybe some more baby hats. 

It may have been an over ambitious decision.

While I was pulling the yarn off the needles for the third time because I had neglected to pay attention and had done two full rows incorrectly, one stitch off the whole way around, I had a conversation with myself.  I am sure Pippa thought I was losing it.  It went something like this...

"Self, why did you decide to do this?  Why did you actually think it was a good idea to make three hats, two with a fancy looking pattern and one that still needs to be felted, and two other projects that you have yet to get started on?  When did you think you would have the time?  While we are talking about time why did you think you should get a new cat?  A new cat, in the winter, when the plants have been moved inside and he is very tempted to eat them?  In the winter when you have a Christmas tree aka a climbing tower and toy?  Wait, focus, back to the knitting.  Get a grip and pay attention.  Count your stitches and stop messing around.  You still have some other projects to get to!"

So there you have it.  My mind is a mess of K1, P1, YO, SS and so on.  Thank goodness for the knitters who put demos up on YouTube!

This is my long winded explanation for why I haven't been posting about Christmas cookies.  I haven't made any.  I haven't made much of anything in the kitchen for the past few weeks.  I do have some gifts that I will be making in the kitchen this weekend.  I am hopeful that they will turn out well and that I will have some pictures and recipes to share with you.  And don't worry, they are quick projects so if you need some last minute, and I do mean last minute, gift ideas I think I can help you out!  I am also hopeful that I will finish these knitting project on time!s  My other goal for the weekend is to finish my Christmas card, I have it drawn out I just have to paint it, so that I can share that with you too.

Best wishes for finishing any homemade gifts that you are working on!

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